2002-08-11 - 1:41 p.m.


Every child needs at least one really cool uncle. Mine had been a science teacher and knew some of the neatest tricks. Luckily, my children have at least one really cool uncle and he�s married to Maxiegirl. So, to use her terminology, my children have Uncle Father, dad to Brother and Sister.

He is cool in multiple realms. First, he is cool in ideas physical. As Day-Hay, Brother, and Sister were swimming in Maxiegirl�s pool, he came out with a rope. Now, a man with a rope is not in itself cool. If rope were enough to make a man cool, my children would have a cool dad and I doubt they would say that they do. (Although, from my perspective they do but they are just too teenage to admit it.) Mr. Philately, like Uncle Father, likes to play with ropes, especially when he is camping.

No, it�s not the rope. It�s what you do with it. Uncle Father made a loop for holding with hands and introduced body skiing across the pool. All of the children, even four year old Brother, are very good swimmers so such excitement is possible. One kid at a time would get to one end of the pool and hold the rope. He would then pull that child across the water, adjusting the speed a little for the child�s swimming ability and coordination. Whoosh! Hold your breath and go from one end of the pool to another in nothing flat. How cool is that? Very cool.

He also has other great ideas too involved and messy for moms to consider. One day, when my younger sister and her daughters were with us, he thought ahead and brought home dry ice. Dry ice in a pool creates a caldron effect. The water �steams.� The water bubbles. A regular backyard pool becomes a fairyland (or witches� brew�depending on how you view the behavior of the children in it.) Once again, very cool.

And just when you think Uncle Father can�t top himself, he does. Dry ice itself is cool enough. Get paper cups, a little glycerin, and food coloring and you�re way beyond cool. Put the dry ice, glycerin, and food coloring in the cup and the green or blue or red liquid bubbles all by itself. It bubbles over the top and cascades down the side. It bubbles all over the patio. For children who are not as careful, it bubbles all over their hands and turns them colors. How way, way, way cool!

The best part of all is that Uncle Father is not only cool, he�s also a very nice man. He�s thoughtful, interesting, and sweet�all of which is better than cool to me.

Still, I�m glad my kids have such a cool uncle.

LAST YEAR: What Color is Your Patience?

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