2001-11-18 - 7:44 a.m.


Well, it�s finally happened. I�ve run out of things to say. No, really. I�ve run out of things to say. Unfortunately for you, that�s never stopped me before and it certainly isn�t now. The sane thing to do is to wait for inspiration but I�m too tired to be sane.

Mr. Philately no longer suggests that I simply not post. Instead, he�s become more helpful. This time I whined about the lack of a topic, he suggested that I simply post the words, �This entry is under construction.� If I write as Wisconsin does road work, that sign can remain up for months with no visible progress. People will grumble but they still will respect the orange barrels.

As long as this entry is under construction, perhaps I should create a detour. I could send you to a worthwhile entry on someone else�s website. I have no idea how to post signs on how to return here after you read that entry but such problems have never stopped my state from creating detours. I�ve been on many a detour where the direction signs stopped well short of a return to my usually scheduled route. I�ve wandered some pretty strange places before hitting the road I needed and promptly turning the wrong way on it.

>>>>>>>>>I could just take you on the shoulder and over the speed bumps. The shoulder speed bumps on the highway rattle your bones and make rude noises. I�m not sure how to make a website rattle your bones. I could embed some rude noises in the HTML but I know how Bev feels about noises on a website, rude or not, and I wouldn�t want to lose one of my best publicists. I�ll guess I�ll have to stick to boring visual representations of rude noises such as PBBBFFFT and BLEEEECK.>>>>>>>

No construction site is complete, of course, without somebody waving the traffic through relatively haphazardly and looking bored. If the women are really lucky, it�s a cute guy. I asked Mr. Philately to allow me to post a photo but he wouldn�t oblige. The lawyer in him is insisting that it is not in the marriage contract. Never mind that it would be perfect to have a lawyer directing people around the words here. He�s not budging (which is nothing new.)

Thank you for taking this ride with me. It�s too bad we haven�t gotten anywhere. Perhaps we can try again when this entry is no longer under construction.

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