2003-07-28 - 8:22 p.m.


I have a zit on my nose. Worse, I have been contemplating the zit on my nose. No, I have not been staring at it in the mirror or anything. I have been thinking about it and its significance in the universe.

I believe that everything has significance in the universe. Some things have very little significance perhaps, but still little significance is not the same as no significance. Whether they have significance independently or just when noticed is hard to say. But when you believe that everything has some significance, you tend to notice little things�at least when you do not put on the tunnel vision necessary to accomplish anything when overburdened with tasks.

Given my surprise at the situation, you would think that zits are entirely new to me. They are not. I was that rare teenager with few zits and a lot of very dry skin but I have coped with zits before. Even in adulthood from time to time, I have looked in the mirror and spotted a small zit looking back at me. But the location of this one makes it more noticeable and I can think of no particular reason I would have such a zit right now.

And what is the proper thing to do with this zit? Do I cover it with makeup as I learned to do years ago or do I let it show, daring people to comment on the imperfection before their eyes? Do I use it as a bonding experience with my teenagers? Do I let them advise me on the fine art of dealing with zits? Or do I just ignore it altogether?

So, what is the significance of this blemish on the tip of my nose? I might think it a message about not getting too satisfied or involved in outward appearance except I would think that middle age alone conveys that message more clearly. It may be there to tell me to remember that small things, even if they are prominent, are just small after all. Or maybe it is an outward manifestation of the truth that every one has imperfections and we all need to look beyond them.

Then again, perhaps I am reading too much into all of this. Perhaps the only significance of the zit is its role in keeping me from contemplating my navel.

LAST YEAR: The Passion is Gone

TWO YEARS AGO: Inappropriate Fantasies

Justice and Peace
Enemy of the People, Part II
Terrorism in a Small Town
Who Wants to Marry My Husband?
Bath Time

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